There are lots of statistics out there about lawyers being some of the most stressed people around. In my new job I’ve been spending more time on trains and taking ten minutes on a regular basis, just to be aware, has been the best tonic on my trips - and I’ve found this has allowed me to be more present when I have to dial it back up. And - happiness matters. It matters to all of us. Taking a few minutes out of each day can make all the difference.

Even if you don’t like the “M-word”, the practice gives you the skill of focusing your attention where you want it focused. When you are surrounded by constant distractions, as we all are these days, that’s a gift; attention is our most precious commodity, yet it is the very thing we give away most freely. I think of mindfulness as getting on a bucking bronco and bringing it to tranquility by pulling in the reins gently.