Sexual safety at work: the new duty on employers to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace – what employers need to know
On 26 October 2024, the Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) Act 2023 (the Act) comes into force. The Act introduces a new preventative duty on employers to take reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment of their workers and employees.
Remedying structural defects under a service charge: counting the cost
In this insight we consider if – and how – the decision in The London Borough of Tower Hamlets v Lessees of Brewster House and Malting House [2024] UKUT 193 (LC) might be applied elsewhere.
Charities Act 2022 – updates for property professionals
The Charities Act 2022introduced various changes to the Charities Act 2011. In this insight, we consider the impact of some of the changes that have come in since for those dealing with charities on property transactions.
Court of Appeal upholds contractor’s legal right to terminate a building contract: Providence Building Services Ltd v Hexagon Housing Association
In the case of Providence Building Services Ltd v Hexagon Housing Association Ltd [2024], the Court of Appeal has upheld a contractor’s legal right to terminate a JCT form of building contract for repeated specified defaults by an employer.
Medical malpractice insurance: mid-year review 2024
Since our annual Medical malpractice insurance forward view 2024 was published in February a number of developments have happened, which those indemnifying medical professionals should be aware of.
Expansion of the Damages Claims Portal (DCP)
The DCP is the pilot of an online portal for the management of certain civil claims.
Discount Rate Review: what might happen?
The Civil Liability Act 2018 requires the Government to review the Personal Injury Discount Rate (PIDR) in England and Wales at least every five years, with the formal review starting on 15 July 2024 and due to be completed by 11 January 2025.
New damages guidelines published in April 2024
General damages cover the damages payable to the injured party for pain suffering and loss of amenity (PSLA) as opposed to quantifiable economic losses known as special damages.
Alternative Dispute Resolution becoming integrated into claims processes
Churchill v Merthyr Tydfil CBC [2023] EWCA Civ 1416, heard last year, confirmed that a Court can order a mediation (or other non-court alternative dispute resolution).
Fixed Recoverable Costs: where are they?
Following any award of compensation to a Claimant, the Claimant’s solicitors are entitled to recover their costs and disbursements such as expert fees. In some cases, the costs being sought can be far greater than the damages awarded.
National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) Reforms Consultation: restoring and mandating the standard method for assessing housing need
This insight focuses on the proposed new standard method of assessing housing need for local authorities.