Return to work and risk assessments during COVID-19
For a successful return to work during COVID-19, employers have a duty to carry out a risk assessment, implement safe systems of work and to keep these under review. Our risk assessment flowchart sets out the key issues for employers to consider.
COVID-19: Court of Appeal decided the stay on possession proceedings imposed by CPR PD51Z also applied to appeals
The Court of Appeal has decided that the 90-day stay imposed on possession proceedings by CPR PD51Z also extends to appeals made in respect of possession cases bought under CPR Part 55. We summarise what the outcome means for housing providers.
Risks of abandoning a procurement
Most procurement teams will have needed to consider abandoning a procurement process at some point and perhaps particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Anti-social behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic
Housing providers have been grappling with many challenges over the past months, and dealing with ASB is no exception. Chris Grose explores some of the emerging trends, legal solutions and provides some practical tips to manage ASB cases successfully.
COVID-19: The government’s update to registered providers on maintenance and repair works – what does it actually mean?
On 18 May 2020, the housing minister wrote an open letter to all social housing residents outlining the government’s update to registered providers on maintenance and repair works as landlords. We explore his update and what this means for RPs.
COVID-19: Responsible contracting behaviour
The Cabinet Office has issued a new guidance note with recommendations for behaviour in performing and enforcing contracts impacted by COVID-19. We summarise the key recommendations and how they might impact on your relationships with contractors.
Safeguarding adults during the COVID-19 pandemic
Safeguarding adults continues to be a priority for housing providers as they face more challenges in keeping vulnerable residents safe. Chris Grose, highlights emerging safeguarding trends and provides some ways to ensure vulnerable adults are protected.
Returning to work in the time of COVID-19 – implications for the housing sector
The Government has published guidance to assist those who are returning to work following the announcement this week of the COVID-19 recovery strategy.
Update: Community Infrastructure Levy in respect of phased planning
The COVID-19 pandemic is causing strain on every aspect of society and we are unlikely to revert back to the ‘norm’ in the immediate future. Adapting to this unprecedented time will be key to ensure business runs as smoothly as possible.
Housing management and COVID-19: A selection of FAQs from social housing providers
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a number of challenges and changes to practice in the area of housing management. We answered a selection of some of the many questions that housing associations have been asking us.
COVID-19: Inquest FAQs
We have compiled these FAQs for healthcare, social care, emergency services and housing sectors regarding how coroners are approaching inquests in the current climate and how demands on organisations and their professional witnesses can best be managed.
COVID-19 and possession proceedings: New amendments to the Civil Procedure Rules
Amendments to Practice Direction 51Z to the Civil Procedure Rules, which have immediate effect, were announced on the judiciary’s website on 20 April 2020. We highlight the key amendments and what they mean for social housing providers.