The link to respond to the NMC’s public consultation on their Fitness to Practise (“FtP”)strategy is here.

The NMC receives over 5,000 FtP referrals a year so an overhaul of the system that deals with these cases is a pretty big deal.

The consultation paper is easy to digest and very accessible for us all - so get involved and have your say.

I am supportive of the proposals which seem to be a detailed, informed attempt to tackle some key issues associated with FtP processes. For me, the 40 page consultation document boils down to proposals that:

* encourage more engagement with employers;

* encourage early attempts to remediate practice;

* could make the ftp process less adversarial and lengthy (and therefore less stressful for everyone);

* include practical ways to make sure the concerns are responded to in a proportionate manner;

* maintain focus on enhancing patient safety;

* aim to encourage openness and learning.

“Openness and learning are key to patient safety and we want to encourage nurses and midwives to speak up at the earliest opportunity when things go wrong and see our fitness to practise process as an opportunity to learn and reflect.”