How the Rent Arrears Arbitration Scheme can help commercial landlords recover outstanding rent payments
There is a legally binding arbitration process through which commercial landlords and tenants can resolve outstanding rent debts which have accrued during the COVID-19 pandemic. Find out how the process works and if you can benefit from it.
Chief Coroner removes entitlement to conduct remote hearings and introduces power to hold inquests in writing
The Chief Coroner has published new guidance in respect of remote hearings (Guidance no. 42) and inquests in writing and rule 23 evidence (Guidance no. 29). We explore the changes and how they will impact your own proceedings in this insight.
Withdrawal of the NHS COVID-19 workforce guidance – further update for employers
Following the withdrawal of the staff terms and conditions section of the COVID-19 workforce guidance, the NHS Staff Council has issued guidance on managing the transition of staff back to contractual sick pay arrangements, and any new COVID-19 cases.
Clinical Law Insight: Summer 2022
We cover the latest on the Covid-19 Inquiry, recommendations from the Ockenden report and NHS Resolution's thematic reviews of clinical negligence claims in emergency medicine, diabetes and lower limb complications, plus an analysis of anaesthesia claims.
Covid-19 Public Inquiry formally established and Terms of Reference finalised
On 28 June, the Prime Minister set the Terms of Reference of the UK Covid-19 Inquiry, which means that the Inquiry has been formally established under the Inquiries Act 2005. Find out the key changes, topics and next step for the Inquiry in our insight.
Government to withdraw key sections of the NHS COVID-19 workforce guidance
The Government has announced that it will be withdrawing the staff terms and conditions section of the COVID-19 workforce guidance in England with effect from 7 July 2022. We summarise the changes and their potential impact below.
Diabetes and lower limb complications: a thematic review of clinical negligence claims
Following the latest thematic review by NHS Resolution looking at the issue of diabetes and lower limb complications, we summarise when healthcare providers can step in to improve patient care, and how to prevent future harm.
Manage the exclusion of medics under MHPS better with new best practice guidance
The NHS Resolution Practitioner Performance Advice service’s (PPA) guidance and resources clarify how medical practitioners should be excluded under the MHPS framework, and how you can best handle concerns about doctors and dentists.
Preventing future harm: the Ockenden Report into maternity services at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust
The report of Donna Ockenden’s review of maternity services found repeated failures in the quality of care and governance at the Trust as well as failures of monitoring by external bodies. Read the key recommendations and what they mean for you.
Covid-19 Public Inquiry sets out additional terms of reference
The terms of reference for the UK Covid-19 Public Inquiry are set to expand, following a proposal from Baroness Hallett, the Inquiry’s Chair, to the Prime Minister on 12 May. In our insight, we explain which clarifications and additions you can expect.
Data protection claim for unauthorised acts of third party in NHS hospital fails
The case illustrates the importance of putting in place appropriate access arrangements with third parties who work on NHS premises, and being able to justify how, why, and where patient information is stored and made available.
New guidance promotes greater alignment of service change and capital business cases in the NHS
NHSEI's addendum to its service change guidance seeks to better align service reconfiguration and capital business cases and the evaluation criteria for preferred options. Learn how this will impact your business case, e.g. for the New Hospital Programme.