Use of the MHA in the community – s.17 leave, CTOs, conditional discharge and DoLS / LPS

Capsticks invites you to join us for a webinar on the interaction of MHA with MCA & DoLS looking specifically at:

  • Community restrictions under the MCA, the MHA and inherent jurisdiction including:
    o Case law developments in relation to the use of DoLS since the Supreme Court cases of MM and PJ
    o S.17 leave, Community Treatment Orders and Conditional Discharge with DoLS and LPS 
  • Use of the Court of Protection or s.63 MHA for the physical health treatment of detained patients

If you have any specific issues you would like to be covered, please email us in advance at [email protected] and we will try to cover it.

Who should attend? 

These seminars will be of relevance to Responsible Clinicians, CPNs DoLS Leads, Safeguarding Leads, Heads of Legal, Risk Managers, s.117 / CHC / Mental Health Commissioners, Quality and Governance Leads, Medical and Nursing Directors and allied health and social care professionals dealing with the MCA and MHA.

Event contact

If you have any queries about this event, please get in touch with us at [email protected]

Additional information

Please note that unless otherwise stated our events are free to attend. Places at our events are subject to availability and awarded at the discretion of Capsticks. If space becomes limited at this event and we may need to restrict numbers attending from individual organisations.